Original investigative reporting: Environmental stewardship

It’s a great honour to help make waves of change especially when it comes to taking action against plastic pollution.

We may be only a short time away from having a concrete national plastics strategy in Canada.

Being one of the first journalists to put out this important information really underpins why we in the Canadian media do what we do to disseminate information. Driving the national news agenda and hopefully creating waves of change. Lets see what comes out of an upcoming meeting that could serve as the forum for this big announcement if all goes as signals suggest.

Original investigative sourcing, reporting for TV, Web and of course writing the full context in this Weather Network article.

Read it for yourself, the statistics are staggering.

Only 11 per cent of plastics are recycled in Canada. The rest end up in our landfills, lakes, parks and oceans, destroying ecosystems and leaching toxic chemicals.

Watch within the article to see the sit-down-chat with Environmental Defence.


Welcome to the Weather World

It’s a fascinating blend of journalism, environment, technology, broadcasting, forecasting and performance. Here are some behind the scene shots from the green screens and studio to active weather reporting in the elements in storm systems. All from the past few months at The Weather Network.


Best of video reel: 2015-2016

Have a peak at some of my favourite moments on The Weather Network this past year before my current maternity leave. Can’t wait to re-join the team later on this year.

Watch here!


Excited to announce!

Sorry to take such a hiatus from posting on here. Happy New Year to you all. Hope it was a wonderful holiday season. I wanted to fill you all in on some exciting news I announced on the airways over the holidays….another baby is on the way! Thanks for all the sweet viewer messages and comments. We are very excited to have 2 kids running around soon! And I’m having a blast sharing fun, quirky pregnancy antics with you all at The Weather Network! If you want to take a peak here you go: Saphia Khambalia Pregnancy vlog

saphia khambalia pregnant at the weather network

saphia khambalia pregnant at the weather network


saphia khambalia tv reporter pregnant baby

saphia khambalia tv reporter pregnant baby



It’s official – Saphia Khambalia – The Weather Network

My bio is up and live on the Weather Network Site! And I’d love to connect with you to talk more about the weather. We love hear your weather story. Find me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!

As an update: I’m loving being a part of the wonderful team at TWN. You can catch me most weekends afternoons on the Weather Network. I’m soaking up a ton of weather info… and becoming a bit of a weather geek in the process! Hope you enjoy watching along! XO -S

Big thanks to Jason at The Tenth Letter Photography for the great picture!

